Build Your Herbal Knowledge, One Plant at a Time

Once-a-month gift basket + class combo geared at deeply learning about one plant at a time that will take you to the next level in your herbal studies.

Prepared and taught by Clinical-Functional Herbalist Cameron Strouss, B.S., RH (AHG), FH, Aromatherapist

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Your Monthly Deep Dive into the Vast World of Herbal Medicine


Learning to heal yourself (and others) using herbal medicine is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself... But the leap from basic knowledge of various plants to feeling confident enough to actually utilize those  plants effectively might as well span the Grand Canyon.


My students kept saying as they left rapid-fire plant walks or after seeing my posts online, "I had so much fun buuuut I don't feel confident taking anything that I learned and really using it."


I heard you saying that there is a massive gap from first learning about a plant to utilizing it when you are in need.





Hi! My name is Cameron Strouss...


I'm a Clinical/Functional Herbalist, Registered Herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild, Certified Aromatherapist, Master Gardener, medicine maker extraordinaire, forager of 14 years and clinician of 9 years.


My passion is in distilling my knowledge experience with herbal medicine in a way that is easy to understand and implement.  


And I'm a firm believer that one of the best ways to truly become proficient at using herbal medicine is to deep dive into it, one plant at a time. 

The kind of confidence and knowledge needed effectively use herbal medicine as your primary means of care requires a deep dive into each plant and visceral experience+working knowledge of that plant.


I created a program that is a bridge for you in providing in-depth, quality information that is grounded in my 14 years of experience to usher you from curious to confident.

This program is the culmination of years of working with clients, ingesting and making. medicines, and doing extensive research in the phytopharmacology and pharmacokinetics of herbal medicines and making all of that information as accessible as possible for YOU. 

The world of herbalism is vast, and often filled with misinformation and vagaries that leave you scratching your heads or primed to, at best, delay effective intervention or prolong suffering through ineffective strategies.


I'm here to help you gain competency quickly by deepening your relationship with herbalism one plant at a time.


Take your next step and join me in the Herbal Medicine Monthly Subscription Program!




Multiple types of herbal preparations (tea, tincture/liniment, salve/oil) are shipped to you monthly so that you can experience each plant we learn about through multiple sensory avenues.

✔ Loose plant material to make tea and any other preparations or recipes you choose.

 A printed flash card of the herb of the month and key details about the plant such as identification characteristics, main uses, specific indications, etc.

 A lengthy monograph on the plant with 7-10 pages of in-depth information with historical uses, modern uses, the latest research, when and how to forage, common look-alikes, and formulation ideas and recipes.

 MP3 Recording of the Monograph for easy listening in the car.

 Video material on how and when to forage and best practices for how to find your target plant.

 Live online class, we will cover my tips tricks, and tidbits for foraging/harvesting/ and preparing each plant. I share my clinical experiences with the plant and how I have utilized it clinically and personally.

 Learning and Assimilation Questions to help you engage with the material and integrate your learnings.

 BONUS - A printable Materia Medica Workbook and Field Notes Guide and free class on how to utilize your new notebook. The notebook helps you ask the right questions and facilitates spending time with the plants in your area.

Join Now

This is my reality...

I collect food and medicine, taking care of my clients and family with things I can find in the woods, or crafting tasty herbal formulations to ease…well…whatever. 

I know what to gather when I feel under the weather, I know how to prepare what I have gathered to make it the most effective and I know the dosage needed for it to work its magic. 

It is the most satisfying and empowering feeling I can express. 


 And I want to share that security, confidence, and connection to nature with YOU.

Each Monthly Plant Monograph Includes:

• Common Name
• Botanical Name
• Name Etiology
• Introduction, History, Myth & Fun Facts
• When to Harvest/Parts Used/Where
• Degree of Remedy
• My Personal Experience/Clinical Opinions
• Traditional Applications
• Modern Applications
• Research Review
• Chemical Composition
• Contraindications/Safety Information
• Taste
• Energetics
• All Therapeutic Actions
• Core Applications
• Safety Information
• Extraction Information
• Traditional Recipes
• Blending Information
• Summary



January - Peppermint
February- Crossvine
March - Mimosa
April - Chickweed
May - Red Clover
June - Honeysuckle
July - Blue Vervain
August - Solomon’s Seal
September - Lobelia
October - Wild Cherry
November - Passionflower
December - Usnea


January- Yellow Dock
February- Plantain
March - Yellowroot
April - Chamomile
May - Stinging Nettle
June - Poke
July - Holy Basil
August - Peach
September - Goldenrod
October - Elecampane
November - Pau d'Arco
December - Hibiscus

January- Yaupon Holly
February- Ginger
March - Milk Thistle
April - Motherwort
May - Spilanthese
June - Elderflower/berry
July - Self Heal
August - Lemon Balm
September - Yarrow
October - Turmeric
November - Mullein 
December - Rose

*Plants covered is subject to change due to sourcing availability


Cameron Strouss B.S., RH (AHG), FH, Aromatherapist

Bachelors of Science, Registered Herbalist (American Herbalist Guild), Functional Herbalist, Aromatherapist


Cameron is the owner and founder of The Deep Roots School of Herbal Medicine (formerly Deep Roots Apotheké & Clinic) and has been a professional in the field of herbal medicine for 14 years. She has 9 years experience in Clinical Practice, and 10 years of experience teaching, and has over 4,000 hours of training in the Sciences and Herbal Medicine.

Cameron is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a Biology Degree and Environmental Studies Minor with Honors, the Southeastern Institute for Traditional Herbal Studies ( Darryl Patton, 2008-2011) and The Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine (Thomas Easley, RH(AHG), 2012-2013) with her Clinical Herbal Certification. She also held internships at The Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Herb Pharm in Williams, Oregon, The Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine.

In 2018 she was awarded the professional distinction of Registered Herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild (denoted RH, (AHG)).

She also earned the distinction of FH or Functional Herbalist in 2018 through the Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine. She completed her 100 hour aromatherapy certification in 2018 through the New York Institute of Aromatic Studies and is now a Level 1 Certified Aromatherapist.





" The Herbal Medicine Monthly Subscription has been so much fun!

I look forward to getting my shipment, attending class, and reading the monograph each month. This has been my very first foray into herbalism and I'm learning so much from Cameron!

I'm having a blast amassing a collection of teas, tinctures, glycerites and salves that I can use for a myriad of life stuff. "

- Paige




"I have thoroughly enjoyed taking the Herbal Medicine Monthly class. It gives me a chance throughout the month to experience the plant of the month. It gives me a chance to dive deeply into the information. With my busy schedule, the online classroom is a great format to enjoy the experiences of others in the class.

Thank you so much for having such a comprehensive class."


"Cameron is
amazingly knowledgeable
and relatable. I felt like I could
ask any question and she would
have a genuine and
informed response."

"Cameron deftly adjusted her firehose of knowledge down to a drip when needed and up to a stream when we were ready for more. 

Whether an individual brought a tea cup or a 5 gallon bucket to fill with new facts, each one of us left full to the brim and running over." 



"I could not soak up enough of Cameron's wealth of knowledge and experience. 

I hope to carry on her humble, understanding, realistic and approach to herbal medicine."

"I wish we were best friends! I resonated deeply with Cameron and feel she's exactly the kind of person I want to learn from...

Will be looking into her other courses! " 




Begin your journey to herbal confidence and competence today!